Speech Melody Meter

by ZhitkoVladimir



The Speech Melody Meter (SMM) software is designed to evaluate the statistical characteristics of speech melody by constructing histograms of the frequency distribution of occurrence of discrete values of the pitch frequency (F0) over sufficiently long speech intervals.A distinctive feature of the software implementation of SMM is that the discrete values F0 of speech are measured only at intervals of vowels, which makes it possible to identify the most significant parts of the F0 trajectory for perception and at the same time avoid a number of artifacts that occur at intervals of consonants and pauses.SMM has a wide range of options for choosing linear scales for constructing histograms used in the analysis of speech melody characteristics, namely: the range of analyzed frequencies - F0min and F0max, as well as frequency resolution - dF0. The choice of specific values of these parameters determines the number of histogram components - Nc.SMM also implements a method for estimating three important parameters of the histogram: the center of "gravity" of the distribution - C, the effective band - B, and the distribution skewness - A.The use of SMM can be useful in the following practically important cases:1. In scientific research of the expressive function of melodic, expressing personal characteristics of speech intonation, which determines the originality, style, expressiveness and normativity of speech, as well as the subjective attitude to the content of the message or to the interlocutor by expressing various types of emotions;2. For individual training in preparing speeches and presentations for self-control and teaching the desired characteristics of speech melody;3. As a means of self-control to eliminate speech defects associated with various physiological disorders and diseases;4. As a means of monitoring speech intonation in real conditions of work of call center operators, radio and television announcers;5. Of particular interest is the use of the developed SMM program to control changes in personal characteristics of speech melody - one of the important indicators of a persons emotional intelligence.